Please choose The Tour Package that you prefer from our selections of Tour Packages. If your preferred Tour Package is not on our list or you prefer other tourist destinations, you can suggest your preferred destinations to us and you can make your own Tour Package with us via our Tour Planner.

You will receive your first notification online, which contains these data :
  • Name of the Tour Package / Tourist Destinations
  • The number of people going with you
  • Your departure date
  • The Total Price of your tour

To ease your payments and for our guarantee, you can make a 50% down payments from your Total Price of the Tour Package. The deadline for your payments is at the latest by 2 months prior to your departure date. Please confirm your payment via email to with the format: Your Name_The Name of Tour Package_Amount of down Payment_Tour Date

You will then receive your second notification online (Pro-forma Invoice). The next payment will be at the latest 3 weeks prior to your departure date.

After you made your third payment, you will then receive your third notification online (Pro-forma Invoice & OPT) 1 week prior to your departure date.

Cancellations can be done 3 weeks prior to your departure date, and you will be charged a fee of 25% of your Total Price of the Tour Package.
Cancellations can still be done 2 weeks prior to your departure date; however you will be charged 50% of your Total Price of the Tour Package.