
Clungup Mangrove Conservation, The Three Musketeer in Earth 

Written by
Bagus Izzul
Posted by Administrator








General Information

            CMC (Clungup Mangrove Conservation) is unique destination, it have 3 wonderful beach and a mangrove forest at one spot. That is Clungup Beach, Gatra Beach, and 3 Warna Beach. You can walking from motorcycle parking area or using ojek from car parking area to Gatra beach and you will find Clungup beach in right side of yours.

            Gatra beach and Clungup beach is right side by side, but if you want to 3 Warna beach you need to walking to left side of parking area. CMC is in Desa Sitiarjo, Kecamatan Sumbermanjing Wetan, Kabupaten Malang, East Java, it need 2 – 3 hours long from Malang downtown to the location, now day the road is just fine not like before. You just follow road to Goa Cina beach or Jalur Lintas Selatan (JLS) to until find the navigate sign to CMC.


            Beach in CMC area is beautiful like other beach in Malang but every place is have it own special, what make it special is you can play Kano (one of kind sport water) in Gatra beach area. You can camping at 3 Warna beach or Gatra beach and you can tell the guard in ticket window before you do.

            3 Warna is more privilege than Clungup beach and Gatra beach, you need to have reservation first before go to 3 Warna beach and you need a guide, tour guide to that beach. 3 Warna’s water just like a mirror, it pure and you can snorkeling and diving in it.

            Last but not the reason to not coming back and it can say more important than those destination, Mangrove forest. As you know if there’s no mangrove forest is can be abrasion, is means the process of scraping or wearing something away. So, it’s important right ? You can learn from the ticket window and the guide. If you want to guide that is full experience in this you can check, Leisure Time Tour provide expert guides with full experience in all field. You don’t need to pay a guide from beach if you have another one from another travel guide. See you next trip!